To cash example sentences

For example, cdr increases during the festive season as people convert deposits to cash balance for meeting extra expenditure during such periods.This ratio indicates the number of times the receivables are turned over and coverted into cash in an accounting period.The quick assets are defined as those assets which are quickly convertible into cash.Other important adjustments relate to changes in working capital which are necessary (i.e. items of current assets and current liabilities) to convert net profit/loss which is based on accrual basis into cash flows from operating activities.Cash book is a book in which all transactions relating to cash receipts and cash payments are recorded.You know that various activities of an enterprise result into cash flows (inflows or receipts and outflows or payments) which is the subject matter of a cash flow statement.On the left side, all cash transactions relating to cash receipts (debits) and on the right side all transactions relating to cash payments (credits) are entered date-wise.Similarly, short-term marketable securities which can be readily converted into cash are treated as cash equivalents.Therefore, record the transactions with debit to Bank account and credit to Cash account.

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